Language Learning

Indigenous language credits can be counted towards the American Indian & Indigenous Studies certificate. Although language instructors often provide recommended resources in their classrooms, a list of resources is provided to help students succeed in their studies.


Additionally, the Indigenous Language Table Program is developed in partnership with ENWEJIG Indigenous Language Advocates and the Illuminating Discovery Hub at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) to encourage an ongoing commitment of fostering collaborative efforts. Those who want to practice their skills beyond a classroom setting can attend one of the many language tables that will take place weekly.


Although Dakota is not a language spoken by one of the Native Nations of Wisconsin, it is still offered to UW-Madison students online through the Big Ten Academic Alliance. The University of Minnesota has provided some Dakota resources such as links to interactive websites, recommended reading and audio material, community programs, and links to Dakota nation websites.


The Ho-Chunk (Hoocąk) Nation was provided resources through the Hoocąk Waaziija Haci Language Division. This division provides interactive learning tools and other resources for language learning.


The Menominee Nation has commissioned a dictionary with the help of Monica Macaulay and various tribal elders. They also provide several language lessons to aid with language preservation efforts.


Many resources for learning Ojibwemowin exist, especially as resources can be tied to the greater language family, Anishinaabemowin. The following are resources provided by the Tribal nations of Wisconsin.

Please note that the Ojibwe courses are often taught through the Big Ten Academic Alliance, so language resources from outside of Wisconsin may be recommended.


The Oneida Nation of Wisconsin provides language history, structure, games, dictionary, and other resources to aid in Oneida language learning.